Concept of disability is defined as incapacity to do something and limited capacity in behaving in a certain way. There are two definitions of visual impairment, namely legal and educational. Legal definition is related with the concepts of visual acuity and visual field. Visual acuity is the ability to see the objects from a certain distance and to distinguish the details. Different sizes of letters, numbers and symbols can be read and measured from a distance of 6.10 meters (20 feet) in general. Visual filed is described as a field seen without turning head and moving eyes. Individuals who have one tenth or less of the visual acuity in their eye with good sight or individuals with less than 20 degrees of visual field after all corrections are accepted to have visual impairment (total). Educational definition of it refers to individuals who have severe visual acuity loss and who need to continue their education by Braille writing with touching and reading and by using talking books. Furthermore, concept of limited sight is related with individuals who have not severe visual impairment but who cannot read normal writings and require writings with large font sizes and some tools (magnifier, etc.). Individuals with limited sight use primary learning tools and complete their knowledge acquired by means of their eyesight with their touch and hearing senses. In this chapter, general and developmental characteristics of students with visual impairment have been described and then information of educational process of students with visual impairment has been presented.
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